Any time I was causing trouble, my mother was going to send me back to the Indians. Since I am German Irish, think that I would stand out alittle?
Triple A
JoinedPosts by Triple A
Things your mom said to you to get you to stop doing things............
by Sunnygal41 inif you keep picking your nose, your nostrils will get as big as a horse's!.
we can use your face for a halloween mask if it freezes suddenly with that expression on it.. how would you feel if your sister died after you said such awful things to her?
(this following a normal, sibling scuffle).
Is there really no Rapture?
by Daniel Michaels in?the word ?rapture?
does not occur in the inspired scriptures.?.
this we are told by one popular watchtower publication.
Triple A
?The word ?rapture? does not occur in the inspired Scriptures.?
What about the word t heocracy in the inspired scriptures o r Jehovah in a manuscript before the 1200s.
bank/credit-card accespoint in JW-convensionhall
by Ozner inthe 2 jw convension-halls in the netherlands have now a bank/credit-card accespoint to give contribution to the wts with your bank or creditcards.
do you know this happens in other country's?
it is really strange to see that brs&srs are giving donations with their visa & mastercards.
Triple A
October of 2005 is around the corner, perhaps that is the idea. Max out those cards for the Watchtower Society and than after October you will not have to worry about it.
Triple A
bank/credit-card accespoint in JW-convensionhall
by Ozner inthe 2 jw convension-halls in the netherlands have now a bank/credit-card accespoint to give contribution to the wts with your bank or creditcards.
do you know this happens in other country's?
it is really strange to see that brs&srs are giving donations with their visa & mastercards.
Triple A
The bankcard representive that places the machine normally gets a placement commission and a small percentage of the sales reciepts. If the WTB&TS is the rep they could have negotiated placement at no cost. Also instead of receiving a percentage of the sales reciepts, they could pay a smaller percentage on the transactions. This way there would not be any taxable income avoiding taxes on the commission. Put surely the tax consequences never crossed thier minds.
The day a brother died in my Hall, & the unbelievable events that followed.
by Mr Ben inthis one really freaked me out.
i was so brainwashed at the time i found a way to justify it.
i think i?ve been repressing my anger about this and now i need to vent.
Triple A
JWS funerals remind me of info comercials. This idea was started with Russell. In one of the Studies of the Scriptures, he gives to or three talks to be given at a funeral. I will see if I can get the volume and post it later.
Ex-elders: did you ever confront anyone on FAKE HOURS
by Quotes ina few recent threads have been about faking hours in field service reports (for example, this one:
a number of posters said they would never actually go in service, but still magically get in their hours each month.
my question to you ex-elders: did you ever confront someone on this?
Triple A
I guess technically there are all these rules about how to report studies and return visits like you can't count an RV until the third visit, etc. but the average publisher or even pioneer doesn't know the exact rules. Plus, it's not like anyone goes over the rules ever, thus I suspect widespread inaccuracy on this data, maybe even more than time. But hey, if you can't count time accurately, what else can't you count?
So where does someone find the rules to reporting their Works?
Triple A
How Does It Feel Knowing That You Were Once A Member Of A Cult???
by minimus indoes it bother you?
the more i think about it---the angrier i get.
Triple A
For those of you that post your experiences here, do not think that your time under the thumb of the WTBTS was for not. Reading about the experiances of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses has been interesting and helpful. It has also been intriging, since no two experiences seem to be exactly the same. It is helpful to me, an outsider, in gaining insight and some understanding what it is like on the inside.
I sometimes wonder if I am so weak that the Lord kept me from joining. 24 years ago I attended a Kingdom Hall for a short time. I knew something was not right, but I could not tell you why at that time.
Since a high school friend contacted me two years after 24 years of silence and the reason I was attending the Kingdom Hall, I have been burdened with starting an out reach or joining an existing out reach to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Your words and experiences will be helpful to me. Thank you for your willingness to share, no matter the hurt that you feel.
Triple A
Do You Think Your Family & Friends Will Ever Get Out Of The Religion??
by minimus incan you imagine certain ones making it out of the religion, somehow, sometime?
Triple A
After being contacted 2 years ago from a high school friend, I have prayed daily for her release and that she comes to know the real Jesus (John 14:6). She has been a Witness now for over 24 years,
We communicate via email, since we are on oppisite ends of the country. She never response more than once to any topic and sometimes there are long quite periods, but eventually I will hear from her. So I go through periods of real doubt and than periods of hopes that she is looking for the escape scuttle.
This site has given me real hope that Watchtower prison walls have crackes that can be seen from the inside and holes that one can be sqeeze through no matter how much or quickly those in power try to fill them in.
Triple A
supposing you wanted to start your own community project, what would you do
by Celtic injust supposing you wanted to start your own community project or to do something, anything for other people, and supposing you had a few hours spare each week and some funding to get a project off the ground, what would you ideally like to do?
would it be that you might like to start an ex witness healing group or similar, or perhaps some theatre production, screen writing etc, or perhaps a recycling project or perhaps helping out elderly individuals in your home area?.
if you could use your imagination, what would you like to do?
Triple A
Ask your local service groups (Kiwanis, Lions, etc.) what they our doing. If they have a project you want to get behind great. Otherwise, ask if they would be willing to get behind the project you would like to do. Every group is different, so make sure you find one that is active or welling to be active.
Firpo Carr stated as being an advisor for the Jackson's, but not Michael
by Dogpatch infirpo carr stated as being an advisor for the jackson's, but not michael:.
some may have wondered why firpo carr, an active jw, has been called a "spiritual advisor" for the jackson family, especially since michael is "disassociated.
Triple A
"I don't think it is right for us to go to someone else's country and tell them what to do and how to do it," said Jermaine, who is a guest of the royal court in the pro-Western kingdom, which hosts the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet.
He disapproved of Muslim extremism, which has been on the rise in the wake of the U.S. occupation of Iraq last year.
"I understand their feelings but do not approve of their methods. Islam is a religion of peace. They are wrong," he said.Region of peace is a misnomer. I was there with the US Navy for 18 days in 1996. We were not allowed off the base. It was not because of the problems between the locals and the Sailors. But because the locals were blowing each other up. The was a car bombing outside a local pizza restuarant and two guys did not quite get their bomb attached to an ATM machine when exploded. These were attacks between different Muslim groups. Bahrain is suppose to be fairly peaceful, since it is their Carribean.